
Check out the new 社会学 Corner for the latest happenings in the CMU sociology program!

社会学 Corner: What's Happening this Semester

社会学 is the study of social life, social organization, and social change. Sociologists study the causes and consequences of a wide range of human behaviors, 的相互作用, 组, 组织, 和机构. Students at pp电子极速糖果 can take courses in sociology on substantive topics like the life course and aging, 家庭, 宗教, 社会运动, 卫生和医药, 种族和民族关系, 性别, 性, 和更多的. 这些课程由热情的老师讲授 教师 who prioritize excellent teaching and student success. 社会学 has a tradition of developing explanations for how social order can be maintained as well as how and why social change happens. Few fields of study are as far-ranging and relevant to the everyday world that we live in. 

pp电子极速糖果 offers a comprehensive program leading to a Bachelor of Arts in sociology. It is also possible to earn a minor in sociology. The minor nicely complements virtually any other academic program 卡内基梅隆大学, including any of the other degree 项目 in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 两种选择(社会学学士), minor in sociology) exemplify pp电子极速糖果's liberal arts mission by emphasizing critical thinking, 统计素养, and the application of the "sociological imagination" to problems, 项目, 以及现实世界中的政策. 除了这些机会, a degree in sociology prepares students for responsible action in the social world and provides a foundation for lifelong learning and civic participation. 



社会学 provides many distinctive perspectives on the social world, as well as a range of research methodologies that can be applied to virtually any aspect of social life, from corporate downsizing to problems of peace and war to the expression of emotion and beyond. Because sociology addresses the most challenging issues of our time, it is an expanding field whose potential is increasingly tapped by those who craft policies and create social 项目. 社会学 majors gain important skills in critical thinking, 研究方法和负责任的公民. Thus they are well-prepared for future graduate work in sociology and related disciplines, 以及社会服务领域的职业, 人力资源, 政府, 业务, 卫生专业, 以及刑事司法系统. For more information, visit the American Sociological Association's 网站


One of the strengths of the CMU sociology program is its emphasis on the values and content of a traditional liberal arts degree, providing students with critical thinking skills, 沟通技巧, and research skills that are applicable in a broad range of careers in non-profit 组织, 企业和政府. The program also offers excellent preparation for graduate study in sociology. Courses on substantive topics include social inequality, 家庭, 性别, 性, 宗教, 种族和民族关系, 健康, 社会运动, 以及环境社会学. 社会学 majors are encouraged to earn a minor in one of a wide variety of disciplines. 社会学 majors 卡内基梅隆大学 enjoy a high acceptance rate to graduate school in sociology, 应用社会学, 还有社会工作. Graduates who continue their education also go to law school, 神学院, 公共管理, 人际关系, 以及国际研究. 点击这里了解更深入的信息 项目概述




Alpha Kappa Delta

The sociology program maintains an active chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta, the international honor society for sociology. AKD提供指导, 论文竞赛, and funds and opportunities for sociology majors to travel to professional conferences and bring speakers to campus. Involvement in AKD is also a great "resume builder" that helps students applying for jobs and graduate school.


应用 Scientific Principles to an Understanding of the Social World in a Summative Project (Specialized Knowledge/Applied Learning)  

Rigorously Analyze and Evaluate the Quality of Social Scientific Methods and Data (Quantitative Reasoning) 

Defend Sociological Analyses of Social Phenomena in Formal Papers and Oral Presentations.  (沟通流利)  

Critically Evaluate Explanations of Human Behavior and Social Phenomena (Critical Thinking)  

Use Sociological Knowledge to Contribute to Public Understanding of Social Issues, 政策辩论, and the Development of a Sense of Civic Duty (Personal and Social Responsibility; Applied Learning)   

通过定位来发展学术论点, 评估, 应用, and Synthesizing Information from Sociological and Other Social Scientific Sources (Information Literacy)  
