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Global technology, 沟通s, and commerce are shrinking our planet. Whether you're living in Geneva, 广州, or Grand Junction, employers need workers with international skills. Can you handle cultural diversity? Do you understand the history and dynamics of global politics and economics? Can you communicate clearly in a foreign language? Do you have experience traveling and living abroad? If you can answer "yes" to these questions, then you've got an edge in today's competitive global workforce. 

Professor Flanik sits astride the Great Wall of China

The International Studies minor gives you those advantages and more. It's thoroughly interdisciplinary, and a perfect complement to CMU degrees in business, 沟通, 教育, 干细胞领域, and the social sciences. You can tailor the minor to your interests by choosing from a wide variety of courses in the sciences, 人文学科, and social sciences. 最重要的是, International Studies minors get real-world experience by participating in CMU's affordable study-abroad programs.

For more information, contact Dr. 蒂姆·凯西.

Program Requirements