
pp电子极速糖果的科技 is the first college in Colorado to offer an associate degree in viticulture and enology. Colorado’s wine industry is one of the fastest growing and unique areas of agri-business in the state. With about 150 wineries and more than 1,000英亩的葡萄园, the business of growing grapes (viticulture) and making wine (enology) play an increasingly important role in the state and local economies.

The 葡萄栽培 and 葡萄酒酿造学 program is designed to provide students with the technical and entrepreneurial skills necessary for the man年龄ment of a profitable and environmentally sound vineyard or winemaking business. Students learn the fundamentals of sustainable viticulture and focusing on plants suitable for Colorado. They are taught how to make wine including the fundamentals of fermentation, the wine production cycle, wine sensory analysis and how to discern good wine. General business man年龄ment and marketing practices related to winery operations are also part of the curriculum.

Why choose the 葡萄栽培 and 葡萄酒酿造学 program at 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技?

  • Only Colorado college offering an Associate of Applied Science degree in 葡萄栽培 and 葡萄酒酿造学
  • Program includes a hands-on component to enhance the learning that occurs in the classroom
  • Students actively participate in the establishment and man年龄ment of vineyards and the production of wine

The 葡萄栽培 and 葡萄酒酿造学 curriculum is designed to provide the entrepreneurial and technical skills necessary to man年龄 a profitable, environmentally sound vineyard and/or winemaking business. Students learn the fundamentals of sustainable viticulture, focusing on cultivars that are suitable for Colorado, as well as the science of fermentation and the fundamentals of producing and testing wine. Coursework emphasizes entrepreneurial and practical field training. As part of their education, students will participate in the establishment and man年龄ment of a vineyard and the production of wine. Graduates are qualified for employment in a variety of positions associated with viticulture and winemaking businesses.

Academic Requirements for Associate of Applied Science in 葡萄栽培 and 葡萄酒酿造学

The 葡萄酒酿造学 技术证书 in the 葡萄栽培 and 葡萄酒酿造学 program is a concentrated study in the areas of viticulture, 酿酒的过程, wine etiquette and sensory evaluation. The certificate provides an information and knowledge base for students interested in the wine industry.

Academic Requirements for 技术证书 in 葡萄酒酿造学

This certificate prepares students for a future training and career in grape growing and vineyard establishment.

Academic Requirements for 技术证书 in 葡萄栽培

Wine Appreciation Technical certificate in the 葡萄栽培 and 葡萄酒酿造学 program gives the student an opportunity to learn about winemaking, 葡萄酒的风格, 葡萄酒产区, grape varieties and an opportunity to develop or improve their palate through sensory analysis. This certificate would benefit students in a restaurant, 酒庄品酒室, retail/wholesale or used as a foundation to be successful toward a sommelier certification.

Academic Requirements for 技术证书 in Wine Appreciation, 葡萄栽培 and 葡萄酒酿造学

Wine Fermentation Technical certificate in the 葡萄栽培 and 葡萄酒酿造学 program is a concentrated study in all aspects of the fermentation process. Fermentation is the process of microorganisms converting sugar to ethanol that cannot be visualized. Students use lab analysis, sensory and a strong foundation of knowledge to understand the process of fermentation. The courses in the certificate are taught in a hands-on setting applying skills learned to gain understanding of the process. Although this certificate is directed toward making wine from grapes, fruit and/or honey; fermentation is fermentation, and the knowledge gained could be used in both beer and cider making.

Academic Requirements for 技术证书 in Wine Fermentation, 葡萄栽培 and 葡萄酒酿造学

This certificate prepares students for careers all aspects of wine service as well as pairing wine with foods in fine restaurants or wineries.

Academic Requirements for 技术证书 in 葡萄酒专业


  • 葡萄园和酒厂老板
  • 葡萄园技术员
  • Vineyard foreman/man年龄r
  • Winemaker, assistant winemaker
  • Retail/Marketing operations assistant/man年龄r
  • Winery operations assistant/man年龄r


Career pathway programs prepare students for employment in industries while also providing a stepping stone to an associate degree, bachelor’s degree and beyond. Learn more about career pathways.

职业生涯路径 Certificate 节目长度
葡萄酒专业 Certificate 1 semester (12 credits)
葡萄栽培 1 semester (18 credits)
葡萄酒酿造学 2 semesters (18 credits)

Similar programs in Colorado

pp电子极速糖果的科技 is the only Colorado college offering an AAS degree in 葡萄栽培 and 葡萄酒酿造学



Students spend half of their semester hours gaining practical experience in the field


Grape varieties picked and processed

Western Colorado is the perfect environment for a variety of wines



The program lead has spent more than two decades as a commercial winemaker and winery man年龄r
