


"I studied abroad for a semester in 爱丁堡,苏格兰,英国. I could not recommend studying abroad more, as it was one of the best experiences of my life! I got to travel to 18 different countries throughout Europe, experiencing new places and cultures at every stop. 我以一种我从未预料到的方式成长, and it created many opportunities for me that would not have been available otherwise. It can be intimidating at first, but it is so worth it, I promise!"





"Studying abroad at Keimyung University in South Korea was one of the best decisions I've ever made! 我交的朋友, especially the ones I had Korean Language class with, 会永远留在我心里吗. 除了我遇到的那些了不起的人, I got to live on one of the most beautiful campuses I've ever seen (second only to CMU, of course). I was able to travel the entirety of country during my time there, 因为坐火车只需要4个小时, and got to see incredible landscapes all throughout. Lastly, during numerous trips to Japan I was able to visit historical sites like Mt. Fuji, the Otorri gate, and the Atomic Dome in Hiroshima. 我真的永远不会忘记我在国外的时光."



Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Mass Communication Major

"My favorite memory from studying abroad was be running around Paris in the freezing cold November weather. I did not realize how cold I was until the end of each night, sitting in front of the Eiffel Tower watching it twinkle on the hour. I loved meeting people from all around the world. I made best friends with my Italian buddy as well as became close with friends from England, 荷兰, 和澳大利亚."


patricia-profile.jpg帕特里夏·威勒—— 北帕默斯顿,新西兰


"I chose to study abroad because I wanted to travel and experience new cultures. I also wanted to explore the hidden beauty of this world. My favorite memory from my experience is my 2 week trip to the South Island. I saw so many places and each of them were different. We lived out of our rental car, cherished warm showers, and hiked trails with unimaginable views. I also formed strong bonds with the people I traveled with. We tacked obstacles together and shared in personal victories. 当你出国旅行时,你并不孤单!"



University of Eastern Finland, Criminal Justice Major

"I decided to study abroad when I was having a hard time with some personal matters. It seemed like the right time to go out in the world and see that there really IS more to the world. 这些经历绝对值得. My favorite memory was night swimming in the Arctic Ocean in Norway while watching the northern lights while sitting in the sauna. I had some experiences that I would not have made anywhere else. Studying abroad can be hard to get going but is completely worth it. I met some life long friends, my boyfriend, and traveled to some of the most beautiful places! I think the experience alone helped me grow as a person, it was a short and quick four months but I’ll remember them forever!"



Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Business Administration Major

"I studied abroad because I wanted to see what the world had to offer. I wanted to see a different perspective of the world and to see how other parts of the world worked compared to our country. My favorite part of studying abroad was just experiencing how different Europe was. 每个国家都有自己独特的方式. 作为一个大学生,这是完全值得的. There's nothing better than going to class every other day and then flying out to a new country every weekend for a cheap price."



〇劳伦·吉尔布雷斯 法国昂热lauren-profile.jpg

大学d 'Angers -工商管理专业

"I wanted to study abroad because my dream has always been to go to France and since my major is international business, I thought it would be a good idea if I actually went somewhere international! Going alone abroad was scary at first and I definitely had to learn to be more independent. The school system was very different and very confusing and adapting to French culture was hard at first. 尽管如此,我还是认为这是值得的! I got to see so many new places meet so many new people and get a once in a lifetime experience! I also now have friends from all over the world that I can go visit and that will hopefully come visit me someday!"