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Notice of a Grant Award

授予补助金通知书(亦称通知书), NOGA, NGA, sponsor notice, (或奖励信)是赞助商发出的通知,表明提案已获得资助. 奖学金通知通常由赞助项目收到, 但有时也会直接通知首席研究员. 通知应转发给赞助计划进行审查和处理.

Account Set-up

在收到赞助商奖励通知或更新奖项时, 赞助项目的拨款和合规专员负责启动账户设置/修改流程. 一旦完成帐户和奖励信息,赞助计划的成员将与PI联系,以审查奖励的条款和条件. 

Award Management

管理赞助研究基金的监管和受托责任是一项高度监管和复杂的工作. 奖项的生命周期涉及多个方面和多个阶段.

妥善管理资助的研究基金是大学内许多个人和实体共同承担的责任. 合作的结果是有效管理公共资金,以最大限度地提高研究成果和更高的研究诚信标准. 妥善管理这些资金也将减少严重的欺诈案件, institutional mismanagement, and poor management of federal funds.

Responsibilities of Sponsored Programs include:

  • 批准代表CMU向外部赞助者提交的拟议预算; 
  • 协助调查人员理解CMU政策中规定的合规要求和期望; 
  • 将已批准的项目预算和已批准的重新预算请求通知并传递给商务办公室; 
  • 监督项目是否符合CMU政策和赞助商条款和条件; 
  • 审查在符合CMU政策的建议中确定的直接成本
  • 在财务系统中记录重新编制预算的请求; 
  • Approve and process cost transfers, when required;
  • 如果发现问题,联系项目主管或首席研究员; 
  • 确保符合赞助商成本相关的事先批准要求; 
  • 确保强制性成本分摊承诺反映了允许的情况, reasonable, and necessary contributions, receive appropriate valuation;
  • Approval of re-budgeting requests; 
  • Submission of sponsor prior approval requests; 
  • Oversight of the effort reporting processes; 
  • 及时提交发票和财务报告; 
  • Reporting of cost share and program income; 
  • Timely award closeout; and
  • 赞助项目维护的记录保留合规性.

 Responsibilities of the PI include: 

  • Maintain fiscal oversight of their awards; 
  • 每月审查支出,必要时纠正超支或错误; 
  • 确保所有支出都是允许的,并根据奖励的条款和条件进行授权; 
  • 确保强制性成本分摊承诺的积累和文件支持; 
  • Charge expenses to the appropriate account; 
  • Expend funds according to their approved budgets, within the project period, and in accordance with CMU policy; 
  • Inspect items received and be sure they are in acceptable condition; if not, contact procurement. 
  • 将供应商直接发送给赞助计划或应付账款的发票转发处理; 
  • 批准和培训按政策要求授权支出的个人; 
  • 支出的适当授权和文件; 
  • 提交合理的事先批准请求、重新编制预算请求和费用转移; 
  • Monitor all aspects of their sub-awards, 包括分得奖者的表现及批核发票;
  • 在发现涉及次获奖者表现的问题时,立即通知赞助计划; 
  • 在提案提交时披露项目收入预期, 或者在提交时没有预期项目收入, but subsequently earned, it should be disclosed at the end of the generating activity; and 
  • 如果有任何可能需要赞助商事先批准的更改,请联系赞助计划. 

Award Closeout

Upon project termination, 赞助项目将审查该账户,并与首席研究员(PI)合作,确定将在财务报告或最终发票上报告给赞助商的最终数字.

Sponsored Programs will be responsible for:

  • 向赞助商提交最终财务报告/发票.

The PI will be responsible for (if necessary):

  • Timely submission of final progress report. 

In most cases for federal awards, 最终财务报告必须在奖励结束之日起90天内提交, and within 60 days for final invoices. Non-federal deadlines may vary by sponsor. 为了满足赞助商的最后期限,PI和赞助项目补助金和合规专家之间需要进行清晰及时的沟通. 赞助项目将在与PI就报告的最终数字达成协议后,向赞助商提交最终财务报告/发票.

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