
Chrissy Anzlovar, CMU学生

pp电子极速糖果 provides opportunities for students to become involved in newspaper, 杂志, 广播, 电视, 以及网络出版. 的 following entities are partially funded by student 费用 and governed by the CMU Media Board, 哪个由学生编辑组成, 教师顾问, and other representatives of the University and student body.


标准, a weekly student-published newspaper, covers campus news and represents student views on local, 区域, 国家问题. 的 标准, which has a campus and community circulation of 4,000 is supported by student 费用 and advertising revenue. 这个顾问 标准 史蒂夫·福克斯在 (电子邮件保护). To reach the newspaper office for advertising information or story ideas visit thecrite.com.


地平线》杂志 is a full-color student 杂志 produced at least once each semester by CMU students. Horizon is a general interest 杂志 that contains feature articles and photography of the people, places and events that make up the community. Two thousand copies are distributed around campus and many other locations in Grand Junction. 的 杂志 has expanded its reach by creating a full website, containing the content from each issue. For the past three years Horizon has been awarded the Society of Professional Journalist' 卓越标志奖 for best overall student 杂志 in Region 9.

Professor Rhema Zlaten is the Horizon advisor and can be contacted via email at (电子邮件保护).  



CMU-TV is a student operated and managed 电视 station, which broadcasts from the CMU campus on cablevision. CMU-TV normally provides news and sports twice per week. Although most staff members and managers are Mass Communication majors, students in all academic disciplines are encouraged to join CMU-TV to gain professional experience in 电视. 的 studio is located on the first floor of Escalante Hall in room 112. Professor Greg Mikolai is the faculty advisor for CMU-TV and can be reached via email at (电子邮件保护). 

Kmsa - fm91.3

KMSA is a student-operated and student-managed full-service 广播 station broadcasting from the CMU campus since 1975. KMSA fills the air with Alternative music, 特色音乐表演, 24小时新闻和体育, 一周七天, 一年365天. Although most staff members and Directors are Mass Communication majors, students in all academic disciplines are encouraged to become part of KMSA to gain professional experience in 广播. 的 KMSA studios are located on the second floor of the 大学中心. For more information contact Gary Plante, KMSA's 教师 advisor, via email at (电子邮件保护).



Social Circle members assist student organizations with campaign development and implementation, conducts professional visits to media agencies and supports the Mass Communication program with promotion and management of events including 媒体日 and the annual Senior Barbecue. For more information contact Professor James Perez via email at (电子邮件保护)


One of the great things about this club is that it's very free-flowing, with no preplanned agenda. Club members decide what they will do from meeting to meeting. This club meets every other week and reviews each other's photos, which are based on a chosen theme from the previous meeting. Members can suggest ideas, themes, or tutorials they might want to explore. This club is open to students across campus and WCCC and was formed for the sheer pleasure of looking at, 使, and discussing photography--as our club slogan states: 对摄影的热爱. For more information contact Professor Mickey Stellavato via email at (电子邮件保护).