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The Chemistry Program at Colorado Mesa University offers a series of courses comparable to chemistry departments nationwide. Our lecture and lab courses in organic, 生物, 分析, 无机, and physical chemistry offer students a broad exposure to the scope of modern chemical thought and techniques. Chemistry majors will be prepared for any number of careers, including chemical research (academic or industrial), 法医科学, and other technology-based careers. The Chemistry Program also offers students a solid foundation for graduate studies in chemistry and for medical or other health-related programs. Chemistry majors typically pursue further study at the graduate level, 加入行业, or pursue studies in related areas (such as medical school).

All of our professors have Ph.D. degrees and are here at Colorado Mesa University because they value teaching as a profession. Our small class sizes and easy accessibility to our faculty offer students the opportunity to contact faculty and to have questions answered.

Chemistry faculty have scholarly interests outside the classroom, and there are many opportunities for student involvement in research labs. Student researchers are currently performing cutting-edge chemical synthesis, natural product isolation, and chemical and instrumental analysis of interesting compounds. If you have an interest in pursuing research, keep your eyes posted for calls for research assistants and for notices regarding meetings at which the research interests of the faculty will be discussed. You can also contact any professor if you are interested in becoming involved with research projects in their area of expertise.

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