
酒店业对你有吸引力吗? 酒店管理学位会给你在度假村工作的机会, 酒店, 食品和饮料, 娱乐, 销售和市场营销, 事件管理. A solid base in business enables students to gain the necessary knowledge to work across the functional areas of hospitality in today's global environment. All sectors of the hospitality industry are looking for professionals with outstanding interpersonal skills; critical thinking and decision making capabilities; and excellent general business and management skills. The industry continues to grow and will experience a supply shortage of qualified career-oriented professionals in the future. The industry leads all business sectors in embracing diversity and providing opportunities for minorities and women.

Our degrees in hospitality management are designed to prepare you for success in the industry. 实习 are available for juniors and seniors at local, regional and international companies. Knowledge and practical experience are valuable additions to a resume and prepare students for rewarding careers.

最近, CMU酒店管理专业的学生已经完成了在迪斯尼的实习, 布罗德莫精神病院, 公主游轮, 万豪酒店, Amangiri度假村, 酒店杰罗姆, 小内尔, 温德姆和盖特韦峡谷.

The 工商管理学士 (BBA) degree with a concentration in hospitality management combines business knowledge with a focus on the hospitality management skills needed in this industry.

Academic Requirements for 工商管理学士 in 酒店管理

The 应用科学学士 (BAS) degree in hospitality management combines practical knowledge obtained from a previously earned associate degree in culinary, 酒店管理或相关专业. This degree incorporates business knowledge focused on the hospitality management skills needed in this industry.


适合对酒店管理领域感兴趣的学生, a minor coupled with a bachelor’s degree can increase the employment opportunities available in a variety of hospitality-related areas.


The field of hospitality management combines the technical skills and business proficiency necessary for success in today’s business world.


随着世界酒店市场的不断扩大, this degree has endless opportunities both within the United States and in the global hospitality industry. Potential employment opportunities include management in any of the following areas: resort and hotel management; 食品和饮料 management; travel and tourism management; and food service management.

Graduates of this program currently hold the following positions: small business owner; director of 销售和市场营销; general manager; front office manager; 娱乐 manager; catering and events manager; and restaurant manager.

需要更多关于酒店管理职业选择的信息? 探索你可以用酒店管理学位做什么. 或联系 虹膜 为学术和职业建议.


2020年6月开业 酒店特立独行 是大章克森的首选目的地为旅客谁寻求一个高档, 精品店,同时也是独一无二的脚踏实地的“新西部”体验. 位于pp电子极速糖果校园, it offers an unparalleled location that serves as base camp for guests interacting with the university and/or exploring the natural beauty and outdoor 娱乐 that surrounds us. 每一次入住都支持CMU的教学使命. 

与Maverick酒店相辅相成的是魔鬼厨房,我们的屋顶餐厅和酒吧, 以及位于大堂一层的贝蒂极品咖啡. Both the hotel and its 食品和饮料 options provide unique opportunities for hospitality management and culinary arts students to gain real world education. 


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