
Upon completing CMU's 必要的学习 program, a student will be able to:

Produce effective arguments and summaries in written English.

在他们的一生中, CMU students will use written English as a tool for personal expression, 辩论, 和分析. 成为灵活而熟练的作家, students must demonstrate skill in succinctly stating the ideas of others and articulating their own positions in relation to a variety of rhetorical challenges. 在基本学习水平, students should clearly convey their summaries and arguments in writing.

Present information effectively in spoken English.

CMU students will need to use spoken English as a vehicle for increasing knowledge and fostering understanding in their listeners. 就像写作一样, students must demonstrate skill in clearly and succinctly stating the ideas of others, and in conveying their own positions in a rhetorically adept manner. 在基本学习水平, students should strive to develop a recognizable organizational pattern and an understandable central message when they speak.


CMU students must be comfortable working with numerical information across a variety of contexts. Students should be able to decipher and construct sophisticated arguments using a variety of formats (words, 表, 图, 数学方程, 等.,视情况而定). 基本学习型学生 will be able to convert information into and out of mathematical representations, and successfully perform fundamental calculations a majority of the time. 


The ability to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments that surround us is foundational to being an effective citizen and student. Determining the intellectual and rhetorical soundness of the ideas around them allows students to have greater control over their own understanding of the world and enhances their ability to control the situations they will encounter in that world. 基本学习型学生 will complete the program with an ability to recognize and critique significant patterns in the way an argument is structured.

Demonstrate investigative and analytical thinking skills to solve problems.

最终, students must be able to martial their skills for investigation 和分析 in ways that allow them to solve theoretical and practical problems. 设计的过程, evaluating and implementing a strategy to achieve a desired goal puts the academic ability of students into motion across a variety of disciplines and workplace situations. 基本学习型学生 should be able to propose at least one approach to solving a problem within a single context.

Select and use appropriate information or techniques in an academic project.

In a society with so much information and so few filters, students must demonstrate skill in choosing sources of information and strategies for deploying them. The ability to use this skill in an academic project translates into an ability to continue and control one's learning for a lifetime. 在基本学习水平, students will acquire library skills and technical skills appropriate to their course projects.

Construct an academic project using techniques and methodologies from multiple disciplines.

One mark of an educated person is the ability to recognize that various disciplines approach ideas and problems in different ways. The distribution of courses within the 必要的学习 program ensures that students will construct a matrix of knowledge that fosters a multiplicity of viewpoints for thinking about the world. 基本学习型学生, 至少, will bring multiple disciplinary viewpoints to bear on a single set of issues or ideas in the Milestone Course.


每学期, faculty across campus review examples of student work completed in 必要的学习 courses the previous semester. The results of this review are used to make improvements to the  必要的学习 program.

更多信息rmation about assessment is available on the 学生学习评估网站.

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