
任何地方的不公正都是对任何地方正义的威胁. 我们被困在一个不可逃脱的相互关系的网络中,被命运的外衣绑在一起. 直接影响一个人的,间接影响所有人.


社会工作学士(BSW)社会工作计划承认并承认 Nuuchiu (Ute) people as the first people of the unceded territory upon which pp电子极速糖果 exists. BSW计划致力于社会的进步, 经济, 为那些在当地被边缘化和弱势群体争取种族正义, 在全国范围内, 和全球. We demonstrate this commitment through intentional inclusion of historically marginalized perspectives in the curriculum, 非殖民化在社会工作理论和实践上的努力, 通过在广泛的社会工作实践领域建立社区.

The BSW is an exceptional undergraduate degree as it provides both an academic and applied foundation for students enrolled in the major, 在当地社会服务机构完成120学时和450学时的实习. As an accredited program through the Council on 社会工作 Education (CSWE) we have accomplished the highest standard for social work education and are uniquely situated to prepare students for entering the profession or moving onwards to graduate school.

社会工作 Education’s Board of Accreditation indicates that it meets or exceeds criteria for the assessment of program quality evaluated through a peer review process.  An accredited program has sufficient resources to meet its mission and goals and the Board of Accreditation has verified that it demonstrates compliance with all sections of the Educational 政策 and Accreditation Standards.  CSWE标志

Accreditation applies to all program sites and program delivery methods of an accredited program. Accreditation provides reasonable assurance about the quality of the program and the competence of students graduating from the program. 



To prepare students who embody the mission and core values of social work and demonstrate anti-racist, anti-oppressive, 以及在各种环境中对文化有反应的社会工作,以改善我们当地的环境, 国家, 跨国, 以及全球社区.

  1. To educate students as generalist social work practitioners in a multicultural context with the knowledge and understanding of the ecological perspective, 优势视角, 授权方法, 批判理论视角, 科学探究, 以及案例管理技能.
  2. To provide students with the capacity and skills to address complex social issues from a multi-dimensional, 涉及微观的多层次方法, 女中音, 宏观层面的干预,促进人权和社会, 经济, 种族, 环境正义.
  3. To provide opportunities for the application of the social work profession’s mission and the core values of service, 社会正义, 人的尊严和价值, 人际关系的重要性, 完整性, 和能力.
  4. 整合反种族主义和反压迫的社会工作实践, 专业标准, 以及在课程和实践设置中对NASW道德准则的了解.
  5. To prepare informed students who understand systemic oppression and are willing to take action to challenge social, 经济, 种族, 和环境不公,促进更公平的社会.
  6. To strengthen students’ relationship between theory and practice by engaging them in various service-learning projects, 领导力发展, 强大的实践教育实习, 并参加了社会工作俱乐部和Phi Alpha社会工作国家荣誉协会
  7. 为学生的研究生教育做准备.
  8. 提供高质量的访问, 全国认可的, 科罗拉多西部地区居民的本科社会工作教育.

 * The 社会工作 program 卡内基梅隆大学 does not grant course credit for life experience or previous work experience




学生必须申请进入学士学位课程. The BSW admission processes uses a holistic model to assess student applications and participates intentionally in creating an equitable admission process, especially encouraging students from marginalized 社会群体 to consider careers in social work.




15学分的社会工作辅修课程可以与任何领域的专业相结合. This minor is for students who want to work in the human services field immediately after graduation. A minor in social work also helps students aiming to enter a master's program in social work (MSW). 有关未成年人的更多信息,请参阅 程序表



2022年教育政策.第3条指出,实地教育是社会工作的标志性教学法. The intent of field education is to integrate the theoretical and conceptual contribution of the classroom with the practical world of the practice setting. BSW students will work side by side with a practitioner in the community for 450 hours during the fall/spring semester of their senior year. 这是通过实践培养强大的社会工作技能,并促进专业精神.

我们的 BSW实习手册 可以在这里找到. 准备开始他们的实习的学生应该点击下面.




 All Council on 社会工作 Education (CSWE) accredited programs measure and report student learning outcomes. These competencies are dimensions of social work practice that all social workers are expected to master during their professional training and set by CSWE in their Educational Policies and Accreditation Standards (EPAS). 每个社会工作项目都为每个能力设定了一个成就基准. An assessment score at or above that benchmark is considered by the program to represent proficiency of that specific competency.





Social work is a profession dedicated to social and 经济 justice through a commitment to anti-oppressive and anti-racist practice. 社会工作者主要关注弱势群体的需求和赋权, 受压迫的, 还有那些生活在贫困中的人. 社会工作者帮助人们克服生活中最困难的挑战:贫困, 歧视, 滥用, 上瘾, 身体上的疾病, 离婚, 教育问题, 残疾, 精神疾病. Social workers who graduate from a generalist BSW program gain the education and training to work with individuals, 家庭, 社区, 和组织跨微, 女中音, 宏观层面的干预.

The practice of social work requires knowledge of human development and behavior; of social, 经济, 文化机构, and of the interaction of all these factors; as well as skills in developing relationships, 评估需求, 在促进变革的同时提供服务. 社会工作者寻求加强人与人之间的关系来促进, 恢复, 维护, 提高个人的福祉, 家庭, 社会群体, 组织, 社区(http://www.socialworkers.org/).


社会工作者存在于社会生活的方方面面. 我们在学校, 医院, 行为健康诊所, 老年活动中心, 当选办公室, 私人诊所, 监狱, 军事, 公司, 在许多为个人服务的公共和私人机构中, 家庭, 组, 和社区. 这些是 全国社会工作者协会(NASW)详细列出的社会工作类型:

  • 政府 & 管理
  • 宣传 & 社区组织
  • 老化
  • 儿童福利
  • 发育障碍
  • 卫生保健
  • 国际社会工作
  • 正义 & 修正
  • 心理健康 & 临床社会工作
  • 心理健康 & 社会工作
  • 职业 & 就业援助计划社会工作
  • 政策 & 规划
  • 政治
  • 公共福利
  • 研究
  • 学校社会工作


你想成为什么样的社会工作者? 做这份调查,看看你的兴趣和技能能把你带到什么地方.

你也可以找到更多关于社会工作的职业选择 在这里.


社会工作、教育及教育政策委员会 & 认证标准2022 (CSWE EPAS) 









Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities



  1. Demonstrate proficiency in utilizing the social work profession’s 9 core competencies and 20 practice behaviors through a senior-year practicum in a social service agency in our community (Specialized Knowledge/Applied Learning, 核心竞争力(1-9).
  2. Demonstrate the ability to use practice-informed research and practice the use of the scientific method to develop research-informed practice in academic assignments and at practicum (Quantitative Fluency, 核心竞争力4,5, 和9).
  3. 与个人进行有效的口头和书面沟通, 家庭, 组, 组织, 社区和同事通过实习, 必修课, 和口头陈述(沟通流畅), 核心竞争力1, 6,7, 和8).
  4. Demonstrate critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments through distinguishing, 评价, and integrating multiple sources of knowledge; and through analyzing models of assessment, 预防, 干预, 和评价(批判性思维), 核心竞争力(1-9).
  5. 参与反种族主义, 多样性, 股本, and inclusion (ADEI) in social work classes and practicum; demonstrate ethical and professional behavior in classes, 与同事相处, 并在实践中遵守NASW道德准则(个人和社会责任), 核心竞争力1, 2, 和3).
  6. Demonstrate effective skills in evaluating information and applying the information to specific purposes; demonstrate ethical use of social media and technology in the classroom, 在作业, 在实践中(信息素养), 核心竞争力(1-9).




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