  • 主要 BS, Exercise Science, Certificate of Personal training
  • 工作经历 力量总监 & 滑雪时的调理 & 滑雪俱乐部韦尔

What do you do on a day-to-day basis?

I work with athletes aged ~13-28 on a daily basis who ski and snowboard competitively in events around the world. Some of these athletes, partake in the Olympics and others aspire to compete collegiately. My staff and I program/implement daily workouts for all groups, as well as providing training to the community. We are a unique training facility, in that we serve Olympic level athletes, but meet the demands of anyone that walks through our door. 

My experience taught me how to work with people and demonstrate leadership through work ethic. 众多导师(博士). 休曼, 马克·瑞恩, 瑞恩斯沃普, Dan Linsacum and many more) helped peak my interest and push me to grow in human performance. 

What was your transition like from being a student to your current career position?

在毕业, I worked as a full-time personal trainer and shortly thereafter took a position as an assistant strength coach for SSCV. After hard work and fortunate circumstances, I was blessed enough to be promoted to the 力量总监 & 调节.   

What do you think set you apart from the other applicants for your current position?

I believe what set me apart (and continues to) from other applicants is my drive to continuously learn and a genuine care for the success of my clients. Even after accepting my current position I began a Master’s program to further my knowledge, as well as attend as many conferences/seminars as my schedule will allow.

What advice would you give incoming college students?  

My advice to incoming college students is to surround yourself with successful and passionate people. No matter what endeavors you aim to pursue, these people will teach you habits that will aid your personal growth, as well as ensure you never get complacent.

请与Jimmy联系 LinkedIn



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