
列奥纳多·达·芬奇因对艺术和科学发现的贡献而闻名. 他的遗产揭示了超越时间和文化的对人类的影响. 也许很少有人知道,达·芬奇的贡献是建立在实用技能之上的, 实践经验和实地考察. His apprenticeship in a workshop laid the groundwork for practical application of his tinkering and craftsmanship. 达芬奇在“跨学科思维”这个词出现之前就已经在实践了. 在某种程度上, Da Vinci elevated the trades of his day by using everyday skills to create works that contributed to human well-being and quality of life.  

2023年秋天,pp电子极速糖果将西科罗拉多社区学院更名为CMU技术学院. 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技 offers more than 30 career and technical education programs that directly strengthen western Colorado’s workforce and provide a wealth of opportunities

The unique mission of CMU includes 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技 certificate and associate degrees with practical hands-on training, 可堆叠的证书,增加收入能力和传统的四年制学位, 以及高级学术机会,如硕士和博士学位. 尽管许多机构对这些产品进行了细分, CMU is elevating the trades and responding to the practical needs of businesses and the community.

Frank Cardoza is a 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技 Land and Safety technician that has been on the front lines of the relationship between the trades and the communities they serve, and applauded efforts by CMU to reconnect people with the services they rely on for modern life.

“There has been a cultural disconnect between higher education and the needs of trade-related businesses and industry,卡多萨说. “CMU科技是一种粘合剂,可以帮助将这些脱节的部分重新融合在一起.”

The establishment of 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技 also reflects CMU’s understanding that traditional academic and emerging technical disciplines are different but that both have an equally important role to play in society.

“尽管有劳动力方面的理由扩大CMU的贸易产品, the need to reintroduce our communities to the importance of the trades is a part of why we launched Becoming 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技,CMU校长约翰·马歇尔说. “在行业实践中发现了高贵、意义和艺术. We believe when a welding certificate and a four-year degree in political science are seen as being equally valuable, 然后我们知道我们正在推进我们的使命.”


在大流行后的世界,贸易的本质变得更加明显. 贸易的专业化和高效率导致了可靠的基础设施. 然而, natural disasters and rapid changes have shown that skills necessary to sustain life are only as strong as the people trained to maintain them. The evolution of 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技 communicates the importance of valuing trades — marking what CMU calls the journey of Becoming 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技. 

“重新命名学校的职业和技术课程是一回事,CMU负责技术教育和劳动力发展的副校长Brigitte sundermann说. “向未来的学生和企业传达我们的产品, 以及这些如何维持一个强大的社区, 也是我们使命的一部分吗.” 

CMU科技挑战了围绕交易的叙述, 在历史上被认为不如四年制学位专业有声望. 该机构对现代技术的关注, 行业标准和批判性思维技能是关键. 


圣十字电气协会., 成立于1939年, provides customers with affordable and reliable power throughout the Roaring Fork and Eagle River Valley in Colorado. The cooperative serves customers in some of the most remote and challenging locations in the nation, 包括海拔超过10的地区,000英尺的高度使得电力传输和可靠性具有挑战性.

Holy Cross customers know that even during the most extreme mountain winter weather they can rely on the array of electric lineworkers who are on standby to keep the lights on. 电力供应商甚至将乘客派往最偏远的地方,那里的线路工人, 有时在月光下骑雪地车, 在最需要的时候恢复供电. 

“对于我们的团队, 熬夜和艰巨的任务并不罕见,圣十字格伦伍德线经理詹姆斯·雷说. “Our lineworkers see winter maintenance and emergency calls as part of their daily duty to keep our customers safe, 温暖快乐.” 

超越本地可靠性, 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技’s electric lineworker certificate and associate of applied science degree contribute to the nation’s electric grid. 从整体上看,网格是人类聪明才智的优雅和艺术壮举.

pp电子极速糖果的科技 electric lineworker student Rogan Pike focuses on what he does from the perspective of how the profession allows him to create a legacy.

“线上工作和我们所做的工作在其他人的生活中留下了印记. 人们看到我们在做什么, 所以我想确保我每天所做的事情被社区视为一份出色的工作.”

Pike receives financial support from Holy Cross to earn his lineworker certificate with the hope that he can go on to launch his career with the cooperative. 


几名全金属焊接员工通过CMU技术的编程接受了培训, 此外,该公司还特意聘用了这些项目的毕业生. 除了技术熟练之外,焊工也将他们的工艺视为一种艺术形式. 许多都有标志性的焊接和风格,为社区的公共艺术做出了贡献. 

哈伦莫舍, 当时是梅萨州立大学的一名全金属焊接员工和讲师, 在上世纪八九十年代成名. 莫舍在雕塑领域工作, 融合和塑造艺术作品,现在遍布大枢纽. 他最具影响力的作品之一, ”门卫,在峡谷景观公园外的24路环岛上有一个永久的位置.

CMU大学中心(UC)建成后不久, All Metals created the existing modern shade structures for the outdoor seating area south of the UC. The structures are strong and resilient in their design and enhance the campus’s aesthetic demonstrating that welding is both practical and artistic. 

“CMU’s effort to elevate trades like welding helps the public understand that our craft is more than just a skill set,All Metals总经理说, 阿莫斯Biocic. “这个国家是建立在焊工和商人的肩膀上的, 我们的贡献是不可估量的,而且还在不断增长.” 


Graduates of Keara LaBonde’s construction technology classes are not only helping to build new healthcare facilities and community centers across the Grand Valley, 他们正在利用一路走来学到的宝贵技能:建立联系. 作为建筑技术讲师, 建立网络和实地培训都是重要的优先事项. She’s intentional about creating professional development opportunities 为学生 through collaborations and trips to field sites to meet superintendents.

“在建筑中,没有限制,”Labonde说. “你能做什么,你住在哪里,你能找到什么样的工作都没有限制.”

在各种气候下保持舒适:暖通空调 计划

对于许多, 把车停在温暖的车库里,走进舒适的家,是对现代生活的一种期待. Those ensuring America’s homes are cool in summer and warm in winter graduate from 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技’s Heating, 通风和空调(HVAC)程序. 

雪崩加热, 冷却和管道已经在大峡谷运营了18年多, 安装数千套供暖和制冷系统. 

“每个系统都是独一无二的,是为建筑量身定制的,Avalanche的所有者和CMU技术证书培训计划的支持者说, 吉姆·奥斯特兰德. “人们欣赏房子的外观美, 但它的内部机制同样复杂而优雅. 我们的技术人员确保最理所当然的方面之一 现代生活:气候控制.” 

从专业服务到工业部门, the world increasingly relies on the art of HVAC technicians and their craft of keeping people comfortable and productive. 


pp电子极速糖果的科技’s Manufacturing/Machining Technology Program highlights the precision of modern manufacturing. 该计划侧重于先进的加工技术, 材料理解和设计-为学生快速发展的行业做好准备. 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技’s Sturm-ANB Bank Mobile Learning Lab is a facility for teaching mechatronics — a skill with far-reaching impact, 包括维护校园里的现代自动售货机.

Harrison Dico-Jekot is a current student and appreciates the work professionals like architects and engineers who plan and prepare projects do. He also appreciates that the certificate side of his education is a valuable addition to his skill set and credentials as he pursues a mechanical 工程学位和两个技术证书 在制造技术和机械.

“我可以欣赏计划和准备,但最让我兴奋的是‘做’.“我正在勾画一幅大图, building in layers and putting my work on display while also developing the practical skills needed to bring the project to life,他说.


通过重估贸易价值, CMU技术为多元化的员工队伍做出了贡献, 哪个对经济增长和创新至关重要. 毕业生不仅为就业做好了准备,他们还具备成为行业领导者的能力. 这种转变赋予了个人权力,并加强了社区. 

由于对技术技能的需求越来越大, the importance of institutions like 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技 grows —shaping skilled professionals and reshape societal views on education and success. A certificate from 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技 is the result of a comprehensive, respected and invaluable education. 


作者:David Ludlam

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