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CMU Honors Staff and 教师 at Annual Employee Recognition Event

pp电子极速糖果 (CMU) recently held its annual employee recognition event, honoring the exceptional contributions of its faculty and staff. The event served as a platform to highlight the dedication and accomplishments of the hundreds of individuals who play essential roles in making CMU a human scale university.

The occasion paid tribute to each employee's commitment to CMU's mission, 表彰服务的显著里程碑. Among the 234 staff and faculty members acknowledged for their years of service, 119标志着一年的服务, 52庆祝五年, 37 reached one decade and 12 accomplished 15 years.

Fourteen employees stood out for reaching more than two decades of service at CMU. Employees recognized for their long-standing commitment to CMU include:


  • 嘉莉McVean


  • 朗达克拉里奇
  • 苏珊Goebel
  • 卡尔文·霍弗
  • 维尔纳·约翰逊
  • 伊丽莎白·纳尔逊
  • 大卫泰勒
  • 威廉•莱特


  • 卡罗尔Christ-Campbell
  • 迈克尔里昂
  • Les米勒
  • 文森特Patarino
  • Scotty里德
  • 布莱恩·鲁克斯

In addition to honoring service milestones, 这次活动突出了优秀的教师, staff and departments for their excellence in teaching, 领导与服务.  



赢家: Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant Studies Rachel Weinzimmer

从她2020年进入CMU开始, Weinzimmer has been actively engaged in course redesign in the Physician Assistant (PA) program, resulting in positive feedback from students. She created a cohesive and effective learning environment that incorporates life support certifications seamlessly into the PA curriculum. Her clinical expertise remains current through practice in local emergency departments, enhancing her teaching with real-world experience and fostering community ties that have resulted in new clinical rotation sites. Weinzimmer shares her knowledge with students across multiple health disciplines, strengthening the interprofessional curriculum at CMU.

提名: 内特·巴赫曼, Abdulah Bajaba, 克里斯Carcia, 帕特里斯·康纳斯, 卡桑德拉芬顿, 詹妮弗命运, 凯特琳摩尔, 冬青Oberle, Jennifer Radomski和Eileen Woolwine


赢家: Associate Professor of Radiologic Sciences Olga Grisak

Grisak's tenure at CMU demonstrates her dedication to academic leadership, teaching and service. Starting as an Assistant Professor and Clinical Coordinator for Radiologic Technology in 2013, she later became program coordinator in 2018, 管理三个项目. Her pivotal role in transitioning the program from an associate degree to a bachelor's degree reflects her commitment to advancing radiologic sciences education. In addition to teaching and administration, Grisak takes on a significant advising load and participates in numerous recruiting events, emphasizing her commitment to student success.

提名: 泰勒安德森, 凯西迪赫, 凯特Dreiling, 伊莱大厅, 乔纳森·亨, 蒂芙尼Kinney, 克里斯托弗·马金, 斯隆Milstein, 凯尔·斯通和约翰娜·瓦纳

杰出教师奖 for Clinical and Technical 教师

赢家: Associate Technical Professor of Culinary 艺术 Wayne Smith

Wayne Smith has made significant contributions to student success in culinary arts. His leadership in the food safety and sanitation course resulted in an impressive 85% of students earning the ServSafe Manager Food Safety Certification. Smith's commitment to hands-on learning is evident in his development of the confectionary course and the Sustainable Cuisine Initiative. 作为顾问, he goes above and beyond by connecting students with industry recruiters for job placements and internships. His weekly lab hours provide students with opportunities for skill development and personal projects, 鼓励不断学习和成长.

提名: A’lanne Conrad, Megan Englund, Damion Gustafson, Anneke Moresco and Tom Sylvester


赢家: 资讯科技(IT)

CMU’s IT Department is the unsung hero behind the scenes, ensuring all technology campus-wide operates smoothly. 他们保持, 排除故障和升级系统, with efforts often going unnoticed until an issue arises. Their work is fundamental to the university’s daily operations, 支持沟通, education and collaboration across departments. IT对CMU的使命很有价值, 让每个人都保持联系和高效, 即使面对复杂的挑战.

亚军: 金融援助


赢家: Assistant Director of Admissions Mara Chilcote

Mara Chilcote is a cherished member of the CMU community, embodying dedication and attentiveness throughout her 10 years of service in the Admissions Office. She represents CMU's values through her dedication to helping others, resilience in overcoming challenges and her humble demeanor. Known for empowering others and upholding CMU’s principles, 她是一位值得珍惜的同事, 朋友和榜样. Chilcote的勤奋, care and support are essential to the admissions team, 每天反映CMU的核心价值.

亚军: Laureen Cantwell-Jurkovic and Stephanie Parsons

The purpose of the employee recognition event is to show appreciation for the efforts of the academic and administrative community on campus, highlighting the significance of each employee’s role in advancing the institution’s overarching mission. By celebrating the unique contributions of each faculty and staff member, CMU reaffirms its commitment to excellence and innovation in higher education.


作者:Amber Whisman