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Transformational Education

CMU学生Mathias Mulumba和商业助理教授Jacob Ongaki正在利用教育的力量在全球范围内做出积极的改变

When you meet Mathias Mulumba, pp电子极速糖果工商管理专业的本科生, 他会用他深深的爱和他行动的力量让你惊讶. Originally from Uganda, Mulumba于2008年来到美国,现在他和妻子及三个孩子住在这里,他很自豪地把这里称为自己的家. Mulumba从乌干达街头流浪到成立非营利组织“父亲到孤儿国际”的历程证明,当一个人有远见时,个人行动和合作的力量是多么强大. Ever since he was a child, 穆伦巴梦想着“照顾那些和我有同样经历的孩子——流落街头.” By creating his non-profit, 穆伦巴希望“能够把爱传递给其他流落街头的孩子, to train them to be responsible in life, and to train them to be the future leaders of tomorrow. 我想向他们展示他们给予我的同样的善良、同样的关心和同样的爱.”

为了实现这个梦想,他知道他需要学习很多东西. Mulumba explained, “I’m not like normal students. 我只是一个成年人,有一天突然意识到教育很重要, 所以我开始获得普通教育发展(GED)证书——但首先我失败了三次!” Now in his junior year at CMU, 他继续把他所学到的知识付诸行动,在乌干达的学校和社区校园. “我相信教育,因为它改变了世界,”穆伦巴解释说.

To meet the needs of the students at his school in Uganda, his organization has created a health clinic, emergency dispatch service, job training and employment opportunities, on-site food production, a church, 清洁的水基础设施和女性卫生用品,这样女孩在青春期时就不会辍学. His clinic serves five villages, each with around 900 people and is focused on providing orphans, single mothers and widows access to education, boarding, nutrition and community.

Mulumba reflected, “I must be extremely smart with the resources that I have, CMU真的帮助我了解了如何在更深层次上管理我的组织的财务.” 

He continued, “我正在投资使我们组织能够自我维持的东西,我正在投资农业,每天养活500多人. 我在CMU的环境科学课程中学到了很多东西,我正在努力将我在中心学到的一切付诸实践.Mulumba目前通过分解他的院子里的动物和人类垃圾来提取甲烷,用于他的中心的供暖和烹饪,他正在研究利用太阳能电池板发电.

作为CMU工商管理专业的学生,Mulumba充分利用了网络和合作机会. 他的网站是与CMU市场营销专业的学生合作开发的, 他与布雷房地产公司合作,完成了乌干达的水利基础设施项目,目前他正在与韦恩州立大学的学生一起为一个新的咖啡项目进行市场调查,他希望开发这个项目,为他的乌干达校园提供就业机会,并产生收入,以支持国际孤儿之父组织. Recently, 多亏了CMU商学助理教授Jacob Ongaki的努力,Mulumba才有机会参加One Voice Consortium举办的海外投资者博览会, PhD, and the support of CMU’s Office of Academic Affairs.

In addition to teaching finance classes at CMU, Ongaki是One Voice Consortium Global Diaspora Development Foundation的副主席,该基金会的使命是动员非洲侨民参与非洲的经济发展,促进世界各地所有非洲人后裔的团结. As part of his work with the consortium, Ongaki曾担任在华盛顿举行的首届海外移民投资者博览会(Diaspora Investor Expo)的策划主席.C. May 5-7.

在为期三天的博览会上,肯尼亚驻美国大使Lazarus Omayo发表了主题演讲, and United States Trade Representative for Africa Bennett Harman, and several World Bank economists. 每天都有关于治理和公民社会的分组会议, education and higher learning, finance and banking, socio-economic sectors, food security and agriculture, innovation and technology, culture and arts, real estate and the environment.

With financial assistance from the Office of Academic Affairs, where Mulumba works on campus, 穆伦巴与奥加基一起参加了在华盛顿举行的移民投资者博览会.C. 作为CMU的大使和代表,在全球范围内建立网络和联系. Mulumba是一个高等教育分组会议的小组成员,并因其对侨民社区的鼓舞人心的工作而被授予总统选择奖.

Back from Washington D.C., Mulumba is busy preparing for his next fundraiser. He said, “I don’t want to be comfortable; I want to take every opportunity to make other people’s lives better.” If you want to meet Mulumba and support his non-profit, 他将于5月19日晚上6点至8点在生命之河教堂举办一场免费的冰淇淋社交活动. 该活动将包括由Mulumba表演的非洲音乐和故事,他将接受捐款以支持国际孤儿之父组织. You can visit his website to learn more about the organization and how you can get involved.


Written by Giff Walters