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Tenth annual 卡pp电子极速糖果 Student Showcase announced

Event features new partnership with local business organization

大结The tenth annual pp电子极速糖果 Student Showcase will be on Friday, 4月19日, starting at 1:15pm on 卡pp电子极速糖果’s main campus. The showcase will feature hundreds of projects presented by 卡pp电子极速糖果 students in a diverse array of disciplines. Projects will be featured from both pp电子极速糖果 and Western Colorado Community College students. 

The showcase projects will include scholarly and creative activities ranging from artistic exhibits, 论文陈述, 海报, 阅读, demonstrations and performances. Dozens of judges, many of whom are community members, will evaluate the projects. 

Robin Brown is Executive Director of the 大结 Economic Partnership and helped organize the community showcase volunteer judges. 

“Placing GJEP business leaders with showcase sections was easy given the diversity of projects and presentations created by 卡pp电子极速糖果 students,布朗说. "There is literally something for everyone at the showcase and GJEP is proud to be an event partner this year."

Todd Ousley is a local physician assistant at Community Hospital and volunteered to serve as a community judge because of what he observes in 卡pp电子极速糖果’s programing. 

“The integrated approach 卡pp电子极速糖果 is implementing to build future health care capacity in our community is exciting for providers,奥斯利说。. “The recent Master of Physician Assistant accreditation is just one example of growing health care-related credentials offered at 卡pp电子极速糖果. As a showcase community volunteer I want to support these efforts through my time and sharing of knowledge.”

The event kick-off will occur at 1:15pm in the Love Recital Hall in the Moss Performing 艺术 Center with the theme of, “停止, Collaborate and Listen” — a presentation about issues affecting mental health in the community. The event is sponsored by the 卡pp电子极速糖果 chapter of Alpha Chi, the National College Honor Society. 

Changes to the 2019 Showcase include a new strategic effort with the 大结 Economic Partnership who will hold the organization’s annual western Colorado economic summit on campus the same day as showcase. Many of the summit attendees will also serve as showcase judges directly following the event. 卡pp电子极速糖果 President Tim Foster invited the organization to join the 2019 showcase to enhance interactions between students and their future employers. 

“With so many business leaders already on campus for the economic summit, our faculty rightly recognized an opportunity to provide students a chance to learn from and interact with the community through their showcase projects,” said 卡pp电子极速糖果 President Tim Foster. “This year’s GJEP attendees include health care providers, 环境专家, 企业主, educators and a host of other artists and professionals." 

Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs for Student and 教师 Success Aparna Palmer, 博士学位, is the director of the event and is excited about what the showcase offers both the student participants and community members.

“According to our Values Statement, an important part of what we want to do at 卡pp电子极速糖果 is to create ‘a learning environment that develops and promotes the skills of inquiry, 反射, 批判性思维, 解决问题, 创新, teamwork and communication in our students,帕尔默说。. “The 卡pp电子极速糖果 Student Showcase epitomizes our commitment to advancing the goal of creating such an environment and is a chance for students to share their accomplishments with one another and receive valuable feedback from and interaction with the community at large.” 


  • Bronze Pour Demonstration – This event occurs in the Fine 艺术 Building Foundry and features the ancient lost wax process that is still used today for sculptures, 首饰及其他艺术品. 青铜杯在下午3:15开始. 
  • Showcase Awards Ceremony – At 4:30pm in the Meyer Ballroom, winning projects will be featured and celebrated. 

A complete list of student showcase projects and events are available and media and the public are encouraged to attend and see first-hand what the future of the community looks like reflected in the skills and talents of 卡pp电子极速糖果 students. 

查看 项目的完整列表 as well as times and locations of the presentations. 

The 2018 Student Showcase wrap-up video is below.


作者:David Ludlam