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As part of our on-going assessment process, every degree program at Colorado Mesa University must go through a program review process on a 6 year rotation. The program review schedule is staggered so only several programs are reviewed every year. A portion of the review process is an alumni survey. The survey was created in 2007 by a committee comprised of faculty and staff. 按年计算, the Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Decision Support attempts to administer the survey to all graduates from the programs being reviewed, who graduated within the last five years. The results are then compiled and given back to the individual departments to help in the assessment process.

Portions of the survey pertain to the employment status of the former students and further schooling they may have received. Of the graduates who responded to the survey, 67.9% identified themselves as being employed in a field related to their degree. 此外,31.4% of the respondents have indicated enrolling in further education since graduating.

程序 Employed in Related Field Enrolled in Further Education
会计 92.9% 11.9%
Administrative Office Tech. 37.5% 25.0%
艺术 57.1% 21.4%
体育训练 72.2% 55.6%
生物学 49.4% 35.8%
业务管理istration 71.6% 15.7%
业务管理. (硕士) 88.9% 22.2%
Certified Nurse Aid 66.7% 26.7%
化学 93.3% 66.7%
计算机信息. 系统 79.3% 41.4%
计算机科学 77.8% 22.2%
Construction Management 96.0% 0.0%
Construction Technology 50.0% 25.0%
刑事司法 66.7% 20.8%
Early Childhood Education 66.7% 33.3%
Electric Lineworker 87.0% 13.0%
EMT 61.1% 27.8%
英语 45.0% 55.0%
Environmental Sciences 70.6% 29.4%
运动科学 20.0% 80.0%
地球科学 75.0% 20.0%
平面设计 66.7% 8.3%
历史 61.5% 53.8%
运动机能学 52.6% 26.3%
Manufacturing Technology 71.4% 14.3%
大众传播 64.6% 20.8%
数学 61.0% 36.6%
音乐 75.0% 50.0%
护理 87.8% 12.2%
物理 57.9% 52.6%
政治科学 32.3% 54.8%
心理学 62.5% 45.8%
Public Administration 100.0% 33.3%
Radiological Technology 79.2% 37.5%
社会工作 76.7% 56.7%
社会学 73.9% 39.1%
西班牙语 58.3% 37.5%
体育运动管理 44.4% 22.2%
Teacher Education (Bacc) 81.5% 22.2%
Teacher Education (Masters) 100.0% 36.4%
Transportation Services 57.1% 28.6%
Wildland Fire Management 66.7% 50.0%
总计 67.9% 31.4%