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Engineering Mechanist and Laboratory Technician Robert Wilson, teaches Properties of Materials.

His previous experience is diverse, including work with the U.S. Geological Survey as a Hydrologist performing surface water studies in western Colorado. Wilson holds a Federal Aviation Administration license as an airframe mechanic and is a master aircraft cabinetmaker specializing in corporate and VVIP aircraft. He is an experienced wildland fire apparatus engineer and former member of the Mesa County 搜索 and Rescue ground team.

A primary goal in Wilson’s teaching philosophy is to inspire students to embark on a continual quest for knowledge. An ardent data miner, Wilson encour年龄s students to research, filter and validate information. The fundamental importance of adhering to manufacturing and materials data is stressed, as well as the importance of compliancy with established manufacturing protocol.

Wilson’s position at 卡pp电子极速糖果 provides an enduring learning environment through his support role with student and faculty engineering projects. Problem solving and design collaboration with student teams is a daily activity.

In his free time, Wilson enjoys research, music, dogs, and working on a never-ending home remodel.